Thursday, November 27, 2008

How to Tell if your Wife is Cheating

A really good infidelity article ~ How to Tell if your Wife is Cheating by Austin Odeon

There are some men out there that may be thinking there wife is cheating, but are very hesitant to act on these thoughts. This may be due to the desire of avoiding an argument, or because they feel they don't have enough proof to validate their thinking. There are many signs that you can look for in a cheating wife. Read the warning signs below that will teach your how to tell if your wife is cheating.

Going Out with the Girls More Often
Unfaithful women may make excuses for where they are when they are not at home, especially if they are going out more frequently than usual. Saying that she is going out with the girls is one of the most common ways to dispel any negative behaviors she is participating in. Mention to her friends that they seem to be going out more, and see what reaction you get. What's even better is talking to the boyfriends and husbands of your wife's friends. You may discover that their women haven't been out lately at all.

New Lingerie
The presence of a stash of sexy underwear is often a sure fire way on how to tell if your wife is cheating, especially if she has purchased a lot recently. This would be exceptionally true if she is not wearing it for you. You have a right to wonder just who is getting to enjoy it. Another thing to notice is if she begins wearing the naughty undergarments to work under her clothes. She may be prepared for an after-work romp without someone else.

Takes a Shower as Soon as She Arrives Home
This may be the normal behavior of many women, depending on their showering habits. However, if you notice that she has dramatically changed her hygiene habits, i.e. showering and brushing teeth right after coming home from work or from being out with friends, she may be doing more than just getting clean. This could be a sure sign that she is trying to clean off the evidence.

Look for Signs of Rubbing and/of Kissing
Often, frequent kissing and rubbing can leave red areas on the body, particularly the neck. Be on the look out for such inflamed areas, as it could mean she's getting some unfaithful attention outside of your bedroom. Also, check for the smell of male cologne on her dirty clothing.

Educating yourself on how to tell if your wife is cheating is essential if you are beginning to suspect such actions. It's important to have a reason behind your thoughts, especially if you want to stop worrying about it or find out the truth.
Get Access To 100% Evidence Your Spouse is Cheating.

About the Author

I have written series of articles on how individuals who truly want to make a living on the internet building steady steams of flowing income. Based on my experience as a successful online marketer with wealthy affiliate. As an online marketer, you can be quite successful with the right coaching: Want To Take Your online Business to Another Level?

how to tell if your wife is cheating

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Helpful Tips For Ensnaring A Cheating Wife

Helpful Tips For Ensnaring A Cheating Wife by Mark de Smit

The popularity of the television program entitled Desperate Housewives might be an indication that more and more women are unhappy about their married life. The program, it seems, is a reflection of what is happening in most American homes.

Since many husbands tend to prioritize work over their family, many wives nowadays are increasingly tempted to have an illicit relationship. It is surprising to note that the lovers that most wives chose are usually those they get into contact with everyday, such as their officemate, gardener, plumber, or even the pizza delivery guy.

Since women will most probably enter into an affair because of emotional connection, rather than sexual satisfaction, Internet chat rooms are also venues where the wife and a possible illicit lover usually meet and fall for each other.

Although men are considered insensitive about emotions, it will still be easy for husbands to detect their wife is cheating on them. Telltale signs of a wife's infidelity include lost of sexual appetite, change in behavior toward her family, more time dedicated to work, sudden change in the way she looks, and disinterest in sharing feelings and thoughts with the husband.

The first thing you need to do, if you feel that your wife is cheating on you, is to collect proof and connect the facts. You cannot just confront your wife on a baseless hunch. You need to build your case so that your wife cannot deny her forbidden romance.

Here are useful tips that will help you catch your cheating wife:

Keep quiet and lay low

If you want to catch your wife, you need to keep quiet about your suspicion. Make her believe that you trust her and do not change your behavior towards her. Remember that women have strong instincts, they can easily know if you are suspecting them just by the way you talk and look at them.

Sometimes you need to act stupid or gullible so that your wife will let down her guard. She might be careless and might leave behind clues of her affair if she knows that you are not suspecting her.

Jot down your wife's activities

It would really be advisable to jot down your partner's activities, schedule, children's school hours, etc. You cannot remember all the details, especially if you are hurting inside. Thus, you really need to keep a journal or notebook.

Knowing the schedule of your children's activities, her office hours or even her friends' birthday will help you know when she is lying.

Look for a pattern

Try to find a pattern in your wife's daily activities. When does she usually stay up late in the office or visit a friend's house? If on Wednesdays it takes her four hours to buy groceries, you might want to follow her or ask somebody to check her out.

You should also check your phone records. Check the numbers she dialed using her mobile phone. If you do not recognize a number that keeps on popping out, you might want to check that number out. Check for receipts and other incriminating evidence

You need to keep an eye on her belonging. Does she have new sexy lingerie in the laundry hamper that you never laid eyes on? Is she wearing a new perfume? Be observant.

Go home or visit her office unexpectedly

Tell your wife that you are going home late, and then surprise her by arriving early. You could also visit her office at lunch or in the afternoon. Bring her food or flowers so that she would not feel that you are spying on her.

Check email records and computer usage

It is wise to buy computer spy software that will help track down computer activities of your wife. Such computer monitoring programs will help you uncover deleted messages and emails, and even provide you with log-on names and passwords.

Once you have gathered enough proof about your wife's extramarital affairs, think of what action you want to take. Do you want to continue the relationship? Do you want a divorce? Think of your children and how this will affect them. Never confront your wife about her affairs without a plan of action.

How to Catch a Cheating Wife? Confirm Your Suspicions.

About the Author

The popularity of the television program entitled Desperate Housewives might be an indication that more and more women are unhappy about their married life. The program, it seems, is a reflection of what is happening in most American homes.

how to tell if your wife is cheating

Thursday, August 14, 2008

How To Tell If Your Wife Is Cheating On You

An article that may interest you, written by infidelity expert, M Porteous

How To Tell If Your Wife Is Cheating On You

Affairs are ugly, poisonous things that can fester in a relationship when they suspicion is there but no proof. Living with the thought of your wife in another mans arms but not having enough evidence to actually confirm this can be worse than the truth. So how to tell if your wife is cheating on you? The answer is often not one revelation but a mounting evidence of infidelity that you must be alert to so you have enough clues to confront her or discover the truth yourself.

Those being unfaithful are involved in a giddy, emotionally heightened affair which involves leading a double life to see their lover as often as they can. This double life is not easy to maintain and the lies that continue to prop it up eventually become tangled, twisted and flawed. Inconsistent stories on where they were and what they were doing are the first clue and may be what has driven you to find information about revealing and affair.

While it can sometimes be hard to prove something from the lies of your wife there are other key warning signs you can look out for. Mysterious phone calls as they try to stay in contact often even when you may be around leading them to take the call out of earshot or something else suspicious. If you cannot find evidence on their phone from call logs and sms you may just see another clue if they seem TOO clean. This applies to anything with digital records; phone calls, emails, internet histories, internet cache, instant messaging programs and more. If they seem a little too sparse and you find them often deleting as many digital records as they can they may be trying to cover their tracks.

Another way to tell if your wife is cheating on you is if your sexual relationship changes suddenly. This can take many different forms however including a lack of sex to greatly increased sex or even vastly different lovemaking to hat you have previously done. With hormones raging in the excitement of an affair this can spill out in many different ways but the suddenness and scale of the change is the thing to watch for.

In the end, if you want to know how to tell if your wife is cheating on you then you need to be alert for all this and much more. Only when you feel you have enough evidence should you attempt to do something about it as many men have falsely accused their wife of infidelity when they have been acting strangely for totally different set of reasons. If you feel there are enough clues to pursue it then you have recourse to investigate proactively and find the truth and stop the nightmare.

About the Author

If you want to know the best way to catch a cheat red handed and find the truth about your wife click below to find out more information.
Originally posted at:

Hoping You Have A Happy Relationship

Sunday, August 10, 2008

How To Tell If Your Wife Is Cheating

A good article on how to tel if your wife is cheating, called 7 Signs of an Unfaithful Spouse by Christian Blacksmith

In married life, the days aren't always sunny. If your marriage has changed: more fights as compared to happy times, it is fairly normal to be suspicious. It may be difficult but it probably is time for you to open your eyes to the many signs of an unfaithful spouse.

1. The New Found Buddy

I understand how you may be jealous of your spouse's new friend, especially if that friend is of the opposite sex. Still, this does not mean your spouse is already cheating. However, when your spouse starts spending a lot of time with that friend than what is seemly, you now have the right to be suspicious. If your spouse frequently talks about that person, go out of the way to meet him/her, and sometimes lie about the meeting, your alarm bells should be ringing.

2. Working All Night

Do you notice your spouse working late every night? Most people would freak out when they find their spouse always leaving messages about working overtime and not being able to join dinner, etc. If your spouse is away from home more often than not with the same excuses, then that is one of the signs of an unfaithful spouse.

3. Appearance-Conscious

You find your spouse taking a big interest in looking good but do not even care if you give a compliment. You may ask yourself whether your spouse is appearance-conscious because they want to please you or please another person.

4. Emotional Indifference

I know how frustrating it is to observe that the days with your spouse that were once full of conversation and laughter can now be summed up to: Nothing. You may be used to your spouse sharing everything; now, you can only count the words that come out of your husband or wife's mouth. Out of all the signs of an unfaithful spouse, I know that this might be the most difficult to live with. 5. Issues with Privacy

You are not over reacting when you feel distressed about your spouse suddenly being secretive. If your spouses no longer involve you in their lives, even accusing you of not having enough trust, then there might be something wrong with the marriage.

6. Love Making

It's either your spouse frequently finds a way to get out of your bed sessions, or would suddenly want you to try new things that they must have learned from a third party. The status of your sex life can be one of the signs of an unfaithful spouse, depending on how negative it can get. Evaluating it is a must as it is among the things which make a marriage stronger.

7. Money Issues

If you find out that there have been a lot of strange credit card charges on your spouse's statements, as well as frequent withdrawals from savings accounts, then your spouse may be spending money on someone else. I know how hard it is to be bankrupt because of a third party so better be updated on money matters.

It is common to feel hurt and devastated when you see negative changes in your spouse's behavior. Fear and anger may be experienced once you notice a few of the signs of an unfaithful spouse. Note however that there are more signs and knowing them will give you a better chance at deciphering whether your spouse is indeed cheating on you.

About the Author

Want More Tips? Visit to download Christian's free report where you will be exposed to the latest signs of an unfaithful spouse that will help you win the fight against infidelity!

how to tell if your wife is cheating

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

How To Tell If Your Wife Is Cheating

Unfaithful Cheating Wife Signs & The Tools You Will Need To Bust Her article by how to tell if your wife is cheating expert, M S Knight

UNFAITHFUL CHEATING WIFE SIGNS So you're thinking that the wife that you trust and love is sharing herself with another man. How can you tell ? Is she acting strange all of a sudden and seems to be switching off to your advancements of affection ? Well if she is displaying all 3 of these signs then there is a very good chance that your relationship requires attention.

THE 3 MOST COMMON SIGNS OF AN UNFAITHFUL CHEATING WIFE She finds lots of excuses to be away from home\you where as before she loved being at home. When you are at home together she is constantly grumpy and irritable and generally quite short with you You get the distinct feeling that she would rather be off doing other things. And when you show her affection she does not receive it the way that she use to. Things don't seem right and you can sense this.

She may suddenly change her looks, such as dying her hair or cutting her hair to a new shorter style. At a time when you are not intimate with her she is buying new sexy nickers and lingerie. Who is this to impress ? You might also find that around this time she acquires a taste for sushi or jazz music when neither of those interested her before. Remember when you first met your wife and you started using or doing some of the things that she did. Well this is the same.

When your wife regularly tells you that she is going to leave or that she is going to kick you out one day soon TAKE NOTICE. People that talk like they have nothing to lose generally don't. She will talk like this because she has someone else to fill your shoes and is not concerned with being on her own like you are.

TIME TO CATCH HER OUT FAST THE EASY WAY This is the easy part as a cheating wife always leaves a cheating trail. The fastest way to get conformation of an affair is to monitor the cheaters forms of communication. This and only this will allow you to instantly obtain details on who they are cheating with and when and where it is happening.

In my everyday work I teach all kinds of people how to use the latest tools to find out what each of their cheating partners text messages said, who called them and who they called plus how to know where they are every second of the day without having someone like a friend or P.I follow them. You will kick yourself when you see just how quick and easy it is to get real proof fast.

About the Author

Find out in under 30mins how to do all of the above and get HARD UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE of cheating, how to know where they are when they are out plus once you are ready, you can even set them up to cheat right under your nose. We offer a 100% Free Instant Mini e-course called "Quickcatching for Beginners" The secrets in this course will instantly astound you as to just how easy it really is to catch a cheat Visit

how to tell if your wife is cheating